Afghan Hound
Contact: Mrs H McKay. Phone: (07) 3297 7538
Airedale Terrier
Contact: Ms B Thomson. Phone: (07) 3378 9308
Animal Ambulance/Cruelty Reports
Phone: 1300 852 188
Australian Silky Terrier
Contact: Miss R Hunt. Phone: 0400 246 987
Email: rachnut0@gmail.com
Contact: Ms C Qualischefski (Breed Rescue Co-ordinator). Phone: 0429 979 326 or 0422 184 755
Email: channieq@gmail.com or
Contact: Ms C Benson. Phone: 0468 364 031
Email: carolsmail74@gmail.com or
Contact: Ms E Blair. Phone: (07) 3217 5943
Email: ethel.blair@gmail.com
Website: www.basenjibreednetwork.org.au
Contact: Mrs D Souter. Phone: 0418 742 941
Email: rehome@beagleclubqld.org
Belgian Shepherd
Contact: Mrs K Prentice. Phone: 0429 905 334
Email: secretary@bsdcq.com
Bernese Mountain Dog
Contact: Ms J Hazell. Phone: 0421 042 788
Email: teresajackie@optusnet.com.au
Contact: Ms V Dawson. Phone: (07) 3857 3682, or
Contact: Mrs B Mangin. Phone: (07) 4156 1078
Email: qldbulldogclub@gmail.com
Contact: Mrs Justine Bradley. Phone: 0426 915 195
Bull Terrier
Contact: Mrs M Reynolds. Phone: (07) 5546 3003
Email: qldbtr@bigpond.com
Website: www.qldbullterrierrescue.com
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Email: rescue@cavalierclubqld.org.au
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Contact: Ms M Wedgwood. Phone: 0417 606 214
Email: tenarda@iprimus.com.au
Collie Rough and Smooth
Contact: Mrs J Armatys. Phone: (07) 4157 2758
Email: keamaree@bigpond.com
Dobermann Rescue Australia Wide.
Phone: Bev - 0478 225 148 (between 8am and 4pm)
Phone: Helen - 0478 788 812 (between 4pm and 8pm)
email: dobermanrescueaw@gmail.com
Website: https://dobermannrescueaw.wixsite.com/dobermann-rescue-aus
Dogue de Bordeaux
Contact: Mrs J Bloomfield. Phone: 0412 119 688
Email: ddbrescue@hotmail.com
Contact: Mrs V McArthur. Phone: 0417 767 357
Email: info@amedange.com
Back to top
English Setter
Contact: Mrs C Gorey. Phone: 0438 598 597
Email: goreymky@bigpond.com
Back to top
The French Bulldog Club of QLD
Contact -
Email: rescuefbcqld@gmail.com
Back to top
German Shepherd Dog
Contact: Mrs J Hansford. Phone: (07) 3289 7282
Email: jehansford@techsus.com.au
German Shorthaired Pointer
Contact: Mrs K Thurley. Phone: 0427 616 207.
Email: nursekelly@live.com.au or gsprescureqld@gmail.com
Golden Retriever
Contact: Mrs K Vowell. Phone: 0423 320 020
Email: grcqld@gmail.com
Gordon Setter
Contact: Mrs C Gorey. Phone: 0438 598 597
Email: goreymky@bigpond.com
Great Dane
Contact: Ms M Burgold. Phone: 0402 511 295
Email: adoptadaneqld@outlook.com.au
Hungarian Vizsla
Contact: Mrs K Eory. Email. zetavienna@gmail.com
Contact: Ms K Kettleton Phone 0407 965 589
Irish Red & White Setter
Contact: Mrs C Gorey. Phone: 0438 598 597
Email: goreymky@bigpond.com
Irish Setter
Contact: Mrs C Gorey. Phone: 0438 598 597
Email: goreymky@bigpond.com
Labrador Retriever
Contact: Mrs S Luchterhand. Phone: (07) 5546 0772
Lagotto Romagnolo
Contact: Trish Harris. Phone: 0400 903 303
Email: lagottoqueensland@gmail.com
Lhasa Apso
Contact: Ms J Woodward. Phone: (07) 5428 6201 or 0413 788 775
Email: jane@lhasaapso.com.au
Maremma Sheepdog
Contact: Ms H Brennan. Phone: (07) 5426 4103
Old English Sheepdog
Contact: Mrs A Cassidy. Phone: (07) 3201 0952
Email: ottaba@bigpond.net.au
Poodle - Central Qld
Contact: Mrs M McMahon. Phone: (07) 4933 2715 or 0419 395 961
Poodle - Miniature & Toy
Contact: Ms P Morgan. Phone: 0414 501 707
Email: qpsecretary@yahoo.com.au
Poodle - Standard
Contact: Mrs S Graham. Phone: 0417 470 542
Contact: Ms H Jordan. Phone: 0415 370 526
Email: pugrescuequeensland@gmail.com or
Pyrenean Mountain Dog
Contact: Mrs A Everson. Phone: (07) 3200 0321
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Contact: Mrs R Smith. Phone: 0413 380 644
Saint Bernard
Contact: Mrs A Inmon. Phone: 0400 142 267
Contact: Lesley Phone: 0438 076 756
Contact: Mr K Muddle. Phone: 0418 883 430
Email: schnauzerrescueqld@gmail.com
Facebook: @SchnauzerRescueQLD
Skye Terrier
Contact: Mrs H MacGregor. Phone: 0429 999 053 or 0428 947 110
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Contact: Miss M Nielsen. Phone: 0419 631 221
Tibetan Spaniel Club of Qld (Breed / Group Club)
Contact: Mrs V Schneider. Phone: 0407 115 674
Email: tanoshii@tanoshiikennels.com
Contact: Mrs J Glover. Phone: 0419 663 942
West Highland White Terrier
Contact: Mrs A Cloughley. Phone: (07) 3206 6460
Email: redinbrin1@bigpond.com
Contact: The Secretary
Email: whippetclubqld@gmail.com
Yorkshire Terrier
Contact: Miss R Hunt. Phone: 0400 246 987
Email: rachnut0@gmail.com
Club | Address | Phone | |
Logan All Breeds Obed Club Inc | PO Box 23 , KINGSTON, QLD, 4114 | secretarylabdoc@gmail.com | |
Gladstone Dog Obedience Club Inc. | P O Box 948, GLADSTONE, QLD, 4680 | gladstoneobedience@gmail.com | |
Hervey Bay Dog Obedience & Agility Club Inc | P O Box 365, HERVEY BAY, QLD, 4655 | hbdoaci@live.com.au | |
Queensland Afghan Hound Assoc | 1 Hillcrest St, WELLINGTON POINT, QLD, 4160 | ohsoposh8@gmail.com | |
Atherton Tableland Kennel Club | P O Box 555, ATHERTON, QLD, 4883 | 07 4775 8808 | athertontkc@gmail.com |
Australian Terrier Club Of Queensland | 34 Gareel St, JINDALEE, QLD, 4074 | ringyspaniel@hotmail.com | |
Beenleigh & District Kennel club | U2/4 Henry Street , BRASSALL, QLD, 4305 | thaatzhavanese@gmail.com | |
Dog Obedience Club of Bundaberg | P O Box 1445 , BUNDABERG, QLD, 4670 | obediencedogclub.bundaberg@gmail.com | |
Bowen Kennel Club | PO Box 915, BOWEN, QLD, 4805 | design@dognewsaustralia.com | |
Caboolture Kennel Club | 49 Timbergrove Rd, ELIMBAH, QLD, 4516 | 07 5496 7540 | vickiwyness@bigpond.com |
Cairns City Kennel Club | P O Box 252, BUNGALOW, QLD, 4870 | secretary.cckc@gmail.com | |
Canine Obed Club Of Townsville | P O Box 991, AITKENVALE, QLD, 4814 | secretary.coct@gmail.com | |
Charters Towers Kennel Club | P O Box 1980, CHARTERS TOWERS, QLD, 4820 | darchaltan@yahoo.com.au | |
Chihuahua Club of Queensland | 9 Clifton Cres, DURACK, QLD, 4077 | 07 3372 3654 | wachowa@ozemail.com.au |
Cocker Spaniel Club Of Qld. | 7 Huntingdale Court, PLACID HILLS, QLD, 4343 | cscqldinc@gmail.com | |
Dachshund Club of Queensland | PO Box 858 , MORAYFIELD, QLD, 4506 | dachshundclubofqld@gmail.com | |
Dalmatian Association of Qld | 7 Birch Cl, HEATHWOOD, QLD, 4110 | daqsec@outlook.com | |
Darling Downs Kennel Club | MS 544, CLIFTON, QLD, 4361 | darlingdownskc@gmail.com | |
Doberman Club Of Qld Inc. | PO Box 823, MT GRAVATT, QLD, 4112 | kawilliams62@outlook.com.au | |
Fox Terrier Club Of Qld | 1166 River Rd, FERNEY, QLD, 4650 | 07 4129 7166 | waitapu11@gmail.com |
German Shepherd Dog Club Of Qld Inc. | PO Box 3070, WEST IPSWICH, QLD, 4305 | secretary@gsdcqld.org.au | |
Gold Coast Canine Club | 77A Harrier Dr , BURLEIGH WATERS, QLD, 4220 | jemmaleemorgan@hotmail.com | |
Gold Coast Dog Obedience Training Club. | P O Box 143, SOUTHPORT, QLD, 4215 | gcdotc@yahoo.com.au | |
Golden Retriever Club Of Qld | 44 Kriedeman Rd, UPPER COOMERA, QLD, 4210 | grcqld@gmail.com | |
The Great Dane Society Ltd Inc | PO Box 304, ROSEWOOD, QLD, 4340 | gdsqinc@gmail.com | |
Gundog & Heavy Breeds Club | 7 Flametree Cres, CARINDALE, QLD, 4154 | ainsliecarius@icloud.com | |
Gympie & District Kennel Club | 40 Reid Rd, WIDGEE, QLD, 4570 | Kristyw086@gmail.com | |
Ingham Kennel & Obedience Club | P O Box 776, INGHAM, QLD, 4850 | rhonmor@hotmail.com | |
Innisfail Kennel Club | 26 Howe St , CAIRNS NORTH, QLD, 4870 | gfmerrin@bigpond.com | |
Ipswich Dog Obedience Club | 750 Lake Moogerah Road , CHARLWOOD, QLD, 4309 | ipswichdogclub@gmail.com | |
Ipswich Kennel Club Inc | 59 Beacon Rd, LOWOOD, QLD, 4311 | 07 5426 1261 | ebonhause@dodo.com.au |
Kennel Association Of Queensland | 6 Daintree Pl, RIVER HILLS, QLD, 4074 | cavlamour@bigpond.com | |
Labrador Retriever Club Of Qld Inc. | 91 Ciesolka Road, AUBIGNY, QLD, 4401 | lrcqsecretary25@gmail.com | |
Ladies Kennel Association Of Qld. | P O Box 356, ORMEAU, QLD, 4208 | lanham.1@bigpond.com | |
Magpies Mackay & District Obedience Club | PO Box 1185, MACKAY, QLD, 4740 | secretary@mackaydogobedience.com | |
Maree Kennel Club | 100-114 Steele Road , LOGAN VILLAGE, QLD, 4207 | azzabern@hotmail.com | |
Northern Tropics Kennel Club Inc | P O Box 2295, CAIRNS, QLD, 4870 | MareebaKennelClub@hotmail.com | |
Metropolitan Dog Obedience Club Inc | PO Box 337 , ZILLMERE, QLD, 4034 | wendywaller59@bigpond.com1 | |
Northern Classic Kennel Club | PO Box 199, TAIGUM, QLD, 4018 | jandjtomic@gmail.com | |
Obedience Dog Club Of Brisbane Inc | P O Box 1288, OXLEY, QLD, 4075 | 07 3278 6147 | info@bdtc.org.au |
Old English Sheepdog Club of Queensland | 37 Derribong Cl, KARANA DOWNS, QLD, 4306 | 07 3201 0952 | ottaba@bigpond.net.au |
Pine Rivers Kennel Club | P O Box 453, CABOOLTURE, QLD, 4510 | judy@fjweis.com | |
The Poodle Club Of Qld Inc. | 9 Croome Close , ASPLEY, QLD, 4034 | qpcsecretary@yahoo.com.au | |
Queensland Boxer Club | P O Box 878, ARCHERFIELD, QLD, 4108 | secretary@qldboxerclub.org | |
Queensland Bulldog Club | 2 Poole st, LEICHARDT, QLD, 4305 | qldbulldogclub@gmail.com | |
Queensland Kennel Council | 12 Sunsail Pl, THORNLANDS, QLD, 4164 | shanspitz@gmail.com | |
Redcliffe Peninsula Kennel Club | 40 Whiteside Rd, WHITESIDE, QLD, 4503 | 07 3285 5503 | liane@lowenhart.net |
Redlands Dog Obedience Club Inc. | P O Box 16, CAPALABA, QLD, 4157 | secretary@redlandsdoc.com.au | |
Rockhampton Dog Obedience Club | P O Box 5064, RED HILL, QLD, 4701 | 07 4939 6085 | sheena.basset.bigpond.com |
Collie Rough & Smooth Club Of Qld Inc. | 14-20 Morrison Crt, CEDAR GROVE, QLD, 4285 | secretary.collie.rns.club.qld@gmail.com | |
Shetland Sheepdog Club Of Qld | 38 Macadamia Court , FLAGSTONE, QLD, 4270 | vroyston.vr@gmail.com | |
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club | 425 Waterford Rd, ELLEN GROVE, QLD, 4078 | rotstafelius@gmail.com | |
Sunshine Coast Kennel Club | 14 Mellumview Dr , BEERWAH, QLD, 4519 | sunshinecoastkennelclub@gmail.com | |
Toowoomba Dog Obedience Club Inc. | PO Box 6251, CLIFFORD GARDENS, QLD, 4350 | (07) 4633 2241 | enquiries@dogstoowoomba.org.au |
Townsville Kennel Association Inc. | P O Box 7738, GARBUTT, QLD, 4814 | 07 4788 0996 | lcl72711@bigpond.net.au |
Waterloo Bay Kennel Club | P O Box 150 , FERNVALE, QLD, 4306 | waterloobaykennelclub@gmail.com | |
Weimaraner Club Of Qld | PO Box 453 , CABOOLTURE, QLD, 4510 | weibcqld@outlook.com | |
Welsh Corgi Club Of Qld. | 17 Wright St, WILSONTON, QLD, 4350 | tooshortcorgis@gmail.com | |
Western Suburbs Kennel Club | 10 Cliff Tce, MACLEAY ISLAND, QLD, 4184 | 07 3409 4705 | dandydogs3@gmail.com |
Alpha Show Society | P O Box 62, ALPHA, QLD, 4724 | 07 4985 3418 | |
Beaudesert Show Society | P O Box 94, BEAUDESERT, QLD, 4285 | 07 5541 3200 | |
Beenleigh Show Society | P O Box 66, BEENLEIGH, QLD, 4207 | 07 3807 1871 | admin@beenleighshow.com.au |
Biggenden District A & P Society | P O Box 81, BIGGENDEN, QLD, 4621 | 07 4127 1412 | |
The Blackbutt Agricultural Show Society | P O Box 75, BLACKBUTT, QLD, 4306 | 07 4163 0090 | |
Boonah Show Society Inc. | P O Box 1, BOONAH, QLD, 4310 | 07 5463 1124 | |
Brookfield Show Society | P O Box 372, KENMORE, QLD, 4069 | 07 3374 1491 | ulla@leatherwoodlodge.com |
Caboolture P A & I Society Inc. | P O Box 266, CABOOLTURE, QLD, 4510 | 07 5498 6457 | |
Cairns A & P & Mining Assoc. | P O Box 811, BUNGALOW, QLD, 4870 | 07 4051 6699 | |
Charters Towers P A & M Assn Inc. | P O Box 141, CHARTERS TOWERS, QLD, 4820 | 07 4787 7292 | |
Clifton Show Society Inc. | P O Box 35, CLIFTON, QLD, 4361 | 07 4697 3102 | |
Dayboro AH & I Association | P O Box 36, DAYBORO, QLD, 4521 | 07 3425 1459 | |
Emerald Show Society Inc. | P O Box 104, EMERALD, QLD, 4720 | 07 4982 4338 | |
Esk PA & I Association Inc. | P O Box 69, ESK, QLD, 4312 | 07 5424 2814 | |
Pioneer Valley Ag Show Society Inc. | PO Box 94, FINCH HATTON, QLD, 4756 | 07 4958 3162 | secretary@pioneervalleyshow.com.au |
Gayndah Show Society Inc. | P O Box 88, GAYNDAH, QLD, 4625 | 07 4161 1176 | |
Gin Gin AP & I Society Inc. | P O Box 73, GIN GIN, QLD, 4671 | 07 4157 6198 | |
Gladstone Show Society | P O Box 202, GLADSTONE, QLD, 4680 | ||
Goomeri & District Show Society | P O Box 64, GOOMERI, QLD, 4601 | 07 4168 4364 | |
Herbert River P & A Association Inc. | P O Box 1009, INGHAM, QLD, 4850 | 07 4776 5162 | |
Innisfail & District Show Society Inc. | P O Box 1126, INNISFAIL, QLD, 4860 | 07 4061 3051 | |
Ipswich Show Society | P O Box 812, BOOVAL, QLD, 4304 | 07 3281 1577 | |
Kalbar & District A & P Association Inc. | P O Box 38, KALBAR, QLD, 4309 | 07 5463 7360 | |
Kilcoy P A & I Society | P O Box 169, KILCOY, QLD, 4515 | 07 5497 1128 | |
The South Burnett National Show Soc. Inc | P O Box 9, KINGAROY, QLD, 4610 | 07 4162 5800 | |
Laidley A & I Society | P O Box 192, LAIDLEY, QLD, 4341 | 07 5465 1724 | |
Pine Rivers AH & I Association | P O Box 12, LAWNTON, QLD, 4501 | 07 3205 2597 | admin@pineriversshow.org.au |
Lowood Show Society Inc. | P O Box 32, LOWOOD, QLD, 4311 | 07 5426 1487 | |
Mackay & District AP & I Association Inc | P O Box 1014, MACKAY, QLD, 4740 | 07 4951 1710 | |
Marburg & District A & I Association Inc | P O Box 20, MARBURG, QLD, 4346 | 07 5464 1103 | |
Monto & District Show Society Inc. | P O Box 81, MONTO, QLD, 4630 | 07 4166 1154 | |
Mt Larcom & District Show Society Inc. | P O Box 837, GLADSTONE, QLD, 4680 | 07 4975 1170 | robert.a.gibb@conocophillips.com |
Murgon P A & H Society | P O Box 78, MURGON, QLD, 4605 | 07 4168 1781 | murgonshow@bigpond.com |
Nanango A P & M Society | P O Box 202, NANANGO, QLD, 4615 | 07 4163 1273 | |
Noosa A H & I Society Inc. | P O Box 260, POMONA, QLD, 4568 | 07 5485 2063 | |
Oakey A P & Rodeo Society Inc. | P O Box 91, OAKEY, QLD, 4401 | 07 4691 2513 | |
Rockhampton Show | P O Box 1860, ROCKHAMPTON, QLD, 4700 | ||
Rosewood A & H Association Inc. | P O Box 19, ROSEWOOD, QLD, 4340 | 07 5464 2192 | |
Sarina Show Society | P O Box 119, SARINA, QLD, 4737 | 07 4956 2376 | |
Gold Coast Show Society Inc. | P O Box 5426, GOLD COAST M C, QLD, 9726 | 07 5504 5587 | admin@goldcoastshow.com.au |
Toogoolawah D A & I Association Inc. | PO Box 219, TOOGOOLAWAH, QLD, 4313 | 07 5423 1282 | |
Royal Agricultural Society of Queensland | P O Box 18099, Clifford Gardens, TOOWOOMBA, QLD, 4350 | 07 4634 7400 | rasqadmin@rasq.com.au |
Tully & District Show Society Inc. | P O Box 61, TULLY, QLD, 4854 | 07 4068 2033 | |
Warwick Show & Rodeo Society Inc. | P O Box 190, WARWICK, QLD, 4370 | 07 4661 9060 | |
Lockyer Valley Kennel Club | P O Box 50, LOWOOD, QLD, 4311 | sibes2@hotmail.com | |
Proston PA & H Society | P O Box 5, HIVESVILLE, QLD, 4612 | 07 4168 9416 | proston_pahs@yahoo.com.au |
Borzoi Club of Queensland Inc | 9 Vied Rd, PALLARA, QLD, 4110 | 07 3372 4657 | russkimir@dodo.com.au |
German Shorthaired Pointer Club | 2 Royston St, KING SCRUB, QLD, 4521 | gspcqldinc@gmail.com | |
Jimboomba Dog Training Club Inc | P O Box 206, JIMBOOMBA, QLD, 4280 | 07 5546 3355 | suzanne.chandler12@gmail.com |
Proserpine Kennel Club | P O Box 232, KOUMALA, QLD, 4738 | proserpinekc@gmail.com | |
Mundubbera Show Society Inc. | P O Box 109, MUNDUBBERA, QLD, 4626 | 07 4165 4997 | |
Thuringowa City Kennel Club | P O Box 7738, GARBUTT BC, QLD, 4814 | erin.ryan47@gmail.com | |
Bull Terrier Club Of Qld | 36 Granite St, YARRABILBA, QLD, 4207 | qldbullterrierclub@gmail.com | |
Rottweiler Club Of Qld | P O Box 872, BEENLEIGH, QLD, 4207 | rcqld@yahoo.com.au | |
Burnett Kennel Club | 16 Wilsons Rd, MS 571, MURGON, QLD, 4605 | 07 4168 6121 | burnettkennelclubwondai@gmail.com |
Gympie Dog Obedience Club Inc. | P O Box 404, GYMPIE, QLD, 4570 | gympiedogobedienceclubinc@gmail.com | |
Brisbane Valley Kennel Club Inc | 204 Wyatts Rd, RIFLE RANGE, QLD, 4311 | 07 5426 2603 | borolo1@bigpond.com |
Beaudesert Kennel Club | 24-44 Mountain Ridge Rd, SOUTH MACLEAN, QLD, 4280 | Vicki.schneider@bigpond.com | |
Nanango Kennel Club | P O Box 533, NANANGO, QLD, 4615 | nanangokennelclub@gmail.com | |
Border Collie Club Of Qld Inc | 146-154 Wendt Rd, CHAMBERS FLAT, QLD, 4133 | jopearl@powerup.com.au | |
Cattle Dog & Kelpie Club of Queensland | PO Box 105, LEYBURN, QLD, 4365 | winwilyakelpies@gmail.com | |
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Of QLD | 30-32 Kamala Crt, CEDAR VALE, QLD, 4285 | enquiry@rrcq.org | |
Pine Rivers Dog Training Club | P O Box 272, STRATHPINE, QLD, 4500 | admin@pineriversdogtraining.org | |
English Springer Spaniel Association | 36 Arafura Cres, TINGALPA, QLD, 4173 | cathatina63@outlook.com | |
Beagle Club Of Qld | P O Box 3107, WEST IPSWICH, QLD, 4305 | secretary@beagleclubqld.org | |
Clermont Rodeo & Show Society Inc. | P O Box 82, CLERMONT, QLD, 4721 | 07 4983 2089 | |
Queensland Boston Terrier Club | 27 Anembo Ave , PIMPAMA, QLD, 4209 | lisacarpenter@y7mail.com | |
Sunshine Coast Dog Obed Club Inc. | 152 Sawreys Rd, MONS, QLD, 4556 | secretary@sunshinecoastdogclub.org.au | |
Allora Show Society Incorporated | P O Box 99, ALLORA, QLD, 4362 | 07 4666 3158 | |
Royal National A & I Assoc of Qld | Locked Bag 1010, ALBION, QLD, 4010 | 07 3852 1831 | enquiries@rnashowgrounds.com.au |
Eidsvold Show Society Inc. | P O Box 26, EIDSVOLD, QLD, 4627 | 07 4165 0835 | |
Goombungee Haden AH&P Society Inc. | P O Box 155, GOOMBUNGEE , QLD, 4354 | goombungeehadenshow@outlook.com | |
Mt Perry & District Show Society | P O Box 96, MT PERRY, QLD, 4671 | 07 4156 3122 | mtperryshow@live.com.au |
Redcliffe A H & Indus Society Inc. | P O Box 39, REDCLIFFE, QLD, 4020 | 07 3268 3708 | |
Roma Show Society | P O Box 139, ROMA, QLD, 4455 | secretary@romashow.com | |
Samford & District Show Society | P O Box 242, SAMFORD, QLD, 4520 | 07 3289 7357 | |
Australian Shepherd Club Of Qld. | 18 Viridian Ct , HELENSVALE, QLD, 4212 | ascqldsecretary@gmail.com | |
Bullmastiff Club of Queensland | 39 Andromeda Ave, TANAH MERAH, QLD, 4128 | bmcsecqld1@hotmail.com | |
Basset Hound Club of Queensland | Miss A Carius, P O Box 4107, GUMDALE, QLD, 4154 | 07 3245 1195 | |
American Staffordshire Terrier Club of Qld | P O Box 908, JIMBOOMBA, QLD, 4280 | secretary@astcq.com | |
Cloncurry & District Canine Club | 18 Alice St, CLONCURRY, QLD, 4824 | cdcclub@outlook.com.au | |
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Q. | PO Box 1101, WYNNUM, QLD, 4178 | secretary@cavalierclubqld.asn.au | |
Allora Kennel Club Inc | PO Box 2909 , TOOWOOMBA, QLD, 1350 | 0408 748 500 | june.small17@bigpond.com |
Tenterfield Terrier Club of Qld | 17 Romar Rd , GLASSHOUSE MOUNTAINS, QLD, 4518 | wandjidogs@bigpond.com | |
Maryborough-Howard Dog Obedience Club | 394 Alice St, MARYBOROUGH, QLD, 4650 | 07 4129 4394 | pamelaray111@gmail.au |
Whippet Club of Qld | 26 Apperley Street, BANYO , QLD, 4014 | whippetclubqld@gmail.com | |
Tibetan Spaniel Club of Qld | 24-44 Mountain Ridge Rd, SOUTH MACLEAN, QLD, 4280 | 07 3297 6530 | tanoshii@tanoshiikennels.com |
French Bulldog Club of Qld | P O Box 5115, ALGESTER, QLD, 4115 | secretaryfbcqld@gmail.com | |
Dogzcairns Inc | P O Box 644, SMITHFIELD, QLD, 4878 | dogzcairns@gmail.com | |
Basenji Breed Network Qld Inc | P O Box 1060, SPRING HILL, QLD, 4004 | 07 3217 5943 | basenjinetworkqld@gmail.com |
Irish Wolfhound Club of Qld | 17 Essex Crt, BELLBIRD PARK, QLD, 4300 | iwcqld2016@gmail.com | |
The Original Aust Dog Breeds Club of Qld | 52 Fin Crt, ELIMBAH, QLD, 4516 | oadbclub@gmail.com | |
Japanese Spitz Club | 12 Sunsail Pl , THORNLANDS, QLD, 4164 | shanspitz@gmail.com | |
Brisbane Lure Coursing Club | 2 Seven Oaks St, ALEXANDRA HILLS, QLD, 4161 | steveuebel@hotmail.com | |
Yuggera Kennel and Dogs Sports Club | 7 Flametree Cres, CARINDALE, QLD, 4152 | ainsliecarius@icloud.com | |
SprintDog Club of Qld Inc | PO Box 154 , JIMBOOMBA, QLD, 4280 | info@sprintdogqld.com | |
Stanthorpe Show Society | 8 High Street, STANTHORPE, QLD, 4380 | secretary@stanagsociety.com.au |